Establishment of SNRMS
A proposal have been prepared for establishment of State Natural Resources Management System (SNRMS) for management of Natural Resources of State. SNRMS is proposed to be established for coordinating, guiding and planning of Natural Resource Management in the State. The objectives of SNRMS are: to access Natural Resources management in the development needs of the State on short term and long term basis; co-ordinate plans for supporting information on Natural Resources using Remotely Sensed data and other map based and tabular development database; co-ordinate the establishment of GIS based spatial information infrastructure for the State; in tune with national efforts, ensure availability of updated spatial / non-spatial information to Government, NGO and private sector for development activities; institutionalize remote sensing applications at implementation levels, Districts, Blocks etc.; undertake multi-tired training and awareness programmes / workshops / seminars on capabilities and utilities of remote sensing and GIS techniques towards establishing a network of trainned professionals to support SNRMS and generate regularly a report on status of Natural Resources in State as a bench mark for further development and monitoring changes.