Central Laboratory Facility
For promotion of research, development and design activities in the State, Council had established a state of art Central Laboratory Facility (CLF), functional since 2006 – 2007. Over the years CLF has standardized a large number of Physical, Chemical, Microbiological, Phytochemicals and Biological assays that can be carried out in the laboratory. Given below is the list of tests that are available with the present infrastructure of CLF.
As per the approved frame of CLF working the tests available for outside samples viz students, academicians, researchers, industries, Startup, entrepreneurs and general masses are carried out on mutual collaboration basis. Further the CLF also provides services for utilization of instrumentation facility with mentorship for dissertation and Ph.D. students registered in different institutes/universities of the State after due forwarding from the institution. The running costs for testing, dissertations and Ph.D. work needs to be paid to the Council. Researchers and others willing to get any of the tests carried out may please contact:
Dr. Amit Dubey
Scientist ‘D’ and In-charge CLF - PIC
Central Laboratory Facility
Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology,
Vidhan Sabha Road, Saddu, Raipur – 492014 (Chhattisgarh)
Email: amidubey@gmail.com
List of Tests available at CLF:
- Animal Testing ...(click here)
- Water Testing ...(click here)
- Soil Testing ...(click here)
- Phytochemicals Testing ...(click here)
- Microbiological Testing ...(click here)
- Customized testing as required for purposes of research etc.
Sample Detail ...(click here)